Apr 13, 2005 19:27
< | 3 Someday You'll See
That We Are PERFECT ;
For E A C H O T H E R
♥I went to my Dad's house on Saturday night because me and my Mom started arguing like usual so she made me go to my Dad's. It was wicked fun though ; cus my Dad said that I was grounded for like 10 weeks. [Hah] Too bad that he let me go out that night until around 1:oO. He's wicked bad at grounded me. <33 I wanted to go to Nashua last weekend, but my Mom is a bitch and let Alyssa go instead. // It was rediculous. [Thats what our fight was over] ' '
♥Savannah is suppost to be calling me in a little bit so I can figure something out. * && Today was the OPENING GAME for Newmarket ; && Obviously I wasnt aloud to go, because I am rude to my Mom. Yet I got to go out with Joey & Steph for a little bit. [Hah : Thats Stupid] But it was fun. We ate ALL of Joey's food.